Amrit Janet

SetronBit Wallet = peace of mind. I'm sure some of us know that unsettling feeling when you know you need a backup but haven't quite organized yourself to get it sorted. If I did it all again, I'd start with having a SetronBit Wallet.

Ung Janpong

I got hacked in January and lost 1300 dollar worth of Bitcoins. I felt disgusted, lost, and willing to quit. Until my friend told me he's opening SetronBit Ledger wallet. So, i joined him to create. Since then, I've been sleeping.

Gabriel Taylor

My SetronBit Wallet is already called "Stew". As it is the steward who looks after my crypto & NFTs, so I can sleep at night.

Ronnie Kjeldsen

SetronBit Wallet makes cold storage downright easy. My Crypto and NFTs land infinitely safer and I don’t have to feel as paranoid about connecting to new smart contracts.

Amelia Leverrier

Have been using SetronBit Wallet for about 5 years , easy to use web site , transactions simple to process. I know but am glad because my crypto is safe.